
Monday, February 20, 2012

FEW MORE REASON IF ur cakes sink AFTER u take them out

Over or underbeating – too much or too little air is incorporated into batter.
Underbaking - oven temperature too low and / or too short a baking time. Probably not thoroughly cooked. Bake longer or reduce the heat by 25 degrees F and bake longer.
Over or under measurement of liquid or too much sugar.
Too small a pan
Excessive jarring or moving of the cake during baking.
Opening the oven door before cake sets
Oven temperature too low.
Too much baking powder or baking soda Keep recipe close to 1 teaspoon baking powder or 1/4 teaspoon baking soda per cup of flour.
Beaten egg whites - When you beat egg whites, their proteins unwind and join together loosely, making them very unstable. Make sure at least one of the egg whites is not beaten, but added with the liquid ingredients instead, to help stabilize its structure.
Sugar and fat under-creamed.
Not enough liquid
Too much flour
Used all-purpose flour instead of cake flour.
Careless or poor depositing in the pans.
Baking powder was old.

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